About me

Hi, Everyone my name is Chloe! On this blog I will be sharing my journey through learning about Ancient China. I will be posting photos, information for anyone who wants to learn more about Ancient China and reflective blogs about what I have been learning every week. To learn more about who I am and where I am come from you can watch my Digital Handshake attached to the right side of my blog!

Through doing this Ancient China unit I wish to learn:

~What festivals did the people of Ancient China have and what are the reasons for having them?

~What beliefs did Ancient Chinese people have?

~How did Ancient China impact the world we live in today?

Digital Handshake

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Reflective blog- Week 5

Today I got a chance to Skype call with my class with another class from America. Even though we couldn't see or hear them very clearly we still learnt lots of Information about living in America. We discussed things like:

Favorite foods- They said they like to eat things like biscuits, KFC and steak. I thought this was an interesting discussion as some things we like to eat too but some sounded a bit different compared to our food in Australia. They also asked if we like things like Vegemite and Tim Tams because thy are considered as Australian foods!

Festivals- We also told them that in Australia, Adelaide is considered is considered the festival state. They asked what sort of festivals we had and if they were for all ages. Some of the questions they asked about the festivals of Adelaide were a bit hard to answer as some of the things they said meant different things to what we thought.

Celebrations-  One of my fellow students actually asked this question and I thought I would share it as I found it very interesting. Different celebrations that Americans have compared to Australians include:

~They have indepent day instead of Australia day.
~We both have Christmas and Easter
~America has thanksgiving
~Australia has a public holiday for the Queens birthday

I hope you have learned a lot about America and Australia from this Blog because from this experience I know I have!

Traditional Chinese Medicine

I have decided to do this blog on an Ancient medicine named 'cupping'. I have research a lot about this topic and made a power point to present it. I also have to other questions that I would like to answer on this blog. Here they are:

Why does TCM appeal to some and not to others?

I think the reason that some people don't like the idea, in my opinion is because they have never tried it. Most people are put off by the look of cupping and the fact that you lose lots of blood when getting wet cupping done. I still think that having a go would be a good idea but some people are just thrown at the whoe idea and would never try it.

Other people like it a lot because they have tried it and it worked really well for them. On some people cupping can be could for people with muscle problems. 

Would you try it? Why/ Why not?

I don't think I would ever try wet cupping because as I said I don't like the idea of losing lots of blood. I think that in the future I may trying dry cupping because it has many benefits and a lot of people say it iss relaxing and doesn't hurt at all.

Power point:

Sunday 15 November 2015

Reflection blog- Week 4

For my reflective blog this week I will be sharing with you the process I have had with my Global Collaboration project. My class as well as other classes around the world have been split into group to research certain topics. My topic is water conservation. I have done some research and created a powtoon to display the research I have done on this topic. Enjoy watching and reading!



Saturday 14 November 2015

Feng shui- Ancient China cultures and beleifs

Today, I have research about the cultures and beliefs of Ancient China and I thought it would be great to share some of my research with you guys. My favourite topic when talking about Ancient Chinese culture is Feng Shui. While researching I found out a lot about Feng Shui and would like to share it with you today.

Firstlty I have created an inquiry question on Feng Shui:

How did Ancient Chinese people use Feng Shui in their daily lives?

Before I answer that question I am sure you would like to know what Feng Shui is!

Feng Shui is a way of living with positive energy in your house. Chinese and Ancient Chinese people used it to clear stress, depression, anixety and negative energy out of their house. If you want to try some Feng Shui or just want to know more these websites are very helpful.




Now you know more about Feng Shui I can answer my inquiry question which is:

How did Ancient Chinese people use Feng Shui in their daily lives?

Ancient Chinese people everyday switched around their furniture and made changes to the way their house was looking inside. They believed by doing this positive energy will surround their house and help them with things like:

*Tests- Exams
*Grades in school
*Stress relief from work
*Good sleeping habits
*And lastly, being happy all the time!

I hope you have enjoyed learning about Feng Shui!

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Ancient China Philosophies Blog

Throughout the last few days I have been researching into Ancient China philosophies. I have found them very interesting and think my favourite one is the Daoism. I believe this because I think that the Daoism philosophy is the most relaxed and could of worked the best.

I decided, for a change to put my research into a table. I used a textbook and lots of websites to research. You can find the references on my reference page to the right side of my blog.

Enjoy reading!

Thursday 5 November 2015

Reflective blog- Week 3


While doing my research the two most important things I have learnt are

~That there were more than five hundred Emperors in China and they believe they were chosen by the gods.
~ That The Great Wall of China was used for defense and that at one point a country managed to get over The Great Wall.

I am grateful that I get to learn about what happened and China and that I get to share my information with other people around the world. This unit has made me understand more about the culture and lifestyle of Modern and Ancient China. 

I used think that The Great Wall of China was only for people to walk along and that it was made over a long period of time but now I think that it was actually used for defense and that lots of people died because  the Emperor the wall built quickly.

Collaboration Project

Throughout the next few weeks I will be interacting with students and teachers from all around the world. Most of the people are either from China, New Zealand, Australia or America. I think this is a great way to learn to talk to people over a computer screen and discover things about different cultures. The group that I am in is focusing on the water conservation in China. Even though we are trying to focus on the water conservation in China lots of people have shared what is going on in their country or city. I believe this is                                                       very interesting and is good knowledge for future reference. 

To communicate with the people all around the world we are using lots of apps and websites but the main one is Edmodo. Edmodo is a really good app when you are communicate with  people from other schools or when at home with people from school. Even though I have used this app previously I ma still learning different things about it.

Here is an image of some of the responses I have sent on Edmodo!

Overall Unit

Even though I have only be doing this for a few weeks there are a few things about doing this sort of unit that I thought you might want to hear about. 

~Organisation: Doing these blogs every week and keeping up with this project can be pretty hard because I still have other school work and I also want some free time to play sports and do things that I like. I think even though its a lot to handle I am getting it done pretty well.

~ The new skills that I have learnt while doing this unit will definitely help me in the future.

In the next few weeks I may add things to this blog about the things I have learnt.

I hope you have enjoyed reading!

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Ancient China Hierarchy

Throughout this unit I will be writing a lot of blog posts about the research I have done about Ancient China. This one is all about the hierarchy of Ancient China and why they had hierarchy. For more information you can either read my information or even research it yourself!

To start off with I formed some questions about what I want to know about the Hierarchy of Ancient China.

1. How did the Emperor become the Emperor?

Social Hierarchy of Ancient China2. How does the Hierarchy in Ancient China work?

And the last Question...

3. How did the Hierarchy effect the people of Ancient China?

I did some research and found some interesting information about the questions above. Here are the answers!

~ Emperors believed that were appointed by heaven and therefore did not need to listen or obey Humans. Normally the eldest son of the Emperor would be chosen when the Emperor at the time dies but many Ancient Chinese people didn't encourage this idea and at one point started war because of it.
Because this was the only information I could find here are some more interesting facts about the Emperors of China!
~ They expected everyone below them (all Humans) to respect them even if they are in the same family.
~In the end there was over five hundred Emperors of Ancient China.
~Emperors in Ancient China normally had several wives but only one was call the Empress.

~ Most Ancient Chinese people believed in strict social groups and that the gods put you in the class that you belong in. The first class or person is the King. He is the only person in the highest class and was called a living god. The next class is the Shi class. Even though this class may seem high, they still take orders from the king. The middle class, also known as the Nong class were filled up with people like Nobles and Officials. Lastly, the bottom two classes, mostly containing  peasants or slaves weren't at all treated very well.

~ Like I said in the answer before this one the Ancient Chinese people were very much stuck on the idea of strict social groups. This meant that is you were in the bottom classes life wasn't the best. Even though this sounds really harsh they believed in it and even if the bottom class had a choice they wouldn't want to disobey the gods.

Even though this has been a lot of information and probably take a long time to read, hopefully the information is useful to you in some way.